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Advanced Embroidery Designs -- Online Center for Machine Embroidery Designs

How to Place an Order -- Step by Step

This page contains step by step directions for ordering through our online shopping cart for first-time vistors to our website. If you still have any questions, you're welcome to Contact Us and we will do our best to help you.

What is an Online Shopping Cart?

Our shopping cart was designed to make it as easy and fast as possible to place an order with us. You can browse through our large collection of designs, putting aside the ones you would like to purchase. Once you've finished making your selection, you can just proceed to the checkout with the items in your cart. It's a lot like going to a supermarket.

How do I use it?

All of our products have the following menu next to them:

Choose Format:
Choose Size:

If you think you might like to purchase this design, just select the format you want it in, the hoop size (if applicable) and click on the Add to Cart button. You can always remove items from your cart later on, so go ahead and try this out! After you have added a design to your cart, you will see a page with a summary of all the items you have currently put aside:

Description Quantity Delete Item Total
1. Pug
SKU Code: 14465
Options: PES
Price: $7.17
2. Art Nouveau Alphabet
SKU Code: 21029
Options: PES
Price: $10.58
Total: $17.75

You can change the quantity of an item by entering a number into the field and clicking on Change. If you decide not to order a design after all, you can click on the Delete button. At the bottom, the total cost of the designs you have in your cart is displayed. This is before tax.

Below that, you will see the following three links:

  • Check Out
  • Continue Shopping
  • Empty the Shopping Cart

The first link will take you to the Check Out screen where you can make your purchase. Continue Shopping takes you back to our store to select more designs (or you can use any of the links in the left and right columns of the page). Empty the Shooping Cart clears all the items from your cart.

Check Out

After you click on the check out button, the system will ask you for a promotion code. We give these out occasionally in our mailing list or magazine ads. They entitle you to get anything from discounts to free bonus designs. If you don't have a promotion code, just click Continue, leaving the field blank.

Check Out

If you have a valid promotional code, you can enter it now to use the special offer (the code is case insensitive). Otherwise, just leave the field blank.

The next window will show you a summary of the order again and offer you different payment options.

Paying by Credit Card

If you want to pay by Visa, Master Card or American Express, click on the following link:

To Pay by Credit Card
How to Place an Order -- Step by Step image 1
How to Place an Order -- Step by Step image 2
How to Place an Order -- Step by Step image 3

Please click on the following link to pay by Credit Card.

You will be sent to a secure page, with the following heading at the top:

How to Place an Order -- Step by Step image 4

You will then be asked to enter some data like your name, billing address and credit card information. We send our designs by e-mail only, but the address is required for credit card verification. When you have filled out all the required information, press Continue Transaction. Please make sure you have entered your e-mail correctly, as we send our designs by e-mail only.

The next page will ask for final confirmation. Click on Finalize and Process Order to make the purchase.

Paying by PayPal or Check

If you want to pay by PayPal or Check, then on the Check Out screen, you should scroll down to where it says:

To Pay by PayPal or Check

Fill in the following from, if you would like to pay by PayPal or check. All fields are required.
Do NOT fill in this form if you would like to pay by Credit Card!

Fill out the form that follows. In the last field, Payment Type, select PayPal or Check, depending on how you want to pay and press .

The next screen is entitled Order Finalization.

At the top, there will be payment instructions. If you chose PayPal, you will see the following:

Pay by Paypal by clicking on the button to the right:
How to Place an Order -- Step by Step image 5

Click on the PayPal Pay Now button and you will be sent to the PayPal website, where you can complete the payment.

If you chose to pay by Check, you will see:

To pay by check:
Send the order and the check in US $ payable to Advanced Embroidery Designs to:

Advanced Embroidery Design.
5519 County Rd 32
Norwich NY 13815

Your order will be E-mailed to you within 48 hours after your check is cashed.
The rest of the page has a final summary of your order, including your order number. Remember this number or write it down, in case you ever need to contact us about the order! A copy of your order will also be sent to you by e-mail.

If you have anymore questions about our system or ordering, Contact Us and we will respond to your email as soon as possible.

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