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12 Days of Christmas Applique Designs

These are instructions on how to embroider the designs from the 12 Days of Christmas Applique Set. The set is available in 2 sizes for large (5" x 7") and mega (8" x 10") hoops.

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You will need:

  • base fabric
  • scraps of different fabrics for the applique
  • embroidery threads (polyester or rayon and cotton)
Use polyester or rayon thread for embroidery and cotton thread for finishing the edges. The edges have a blanket-stitch finish, so cotton thread is better for the purpose.
Use size 12/80 embroidery needle.

The colors in the color card are a guide only. Feel free to change them as you wish.

Please note that the color card does not show all the stops. For example, the machine will tell that there are 14 colors in the design. However, this is because of the additional stops used when making the applique. There are actually only 7 color changes. It all becomes clear when you read the instructions.

Day One: Partridge in a Pear Tree

Upload the design into your machine. The machine will show 14 colors in the design, though the color chart only shows 7.

Hoop the base fabric with stabilizer. Prepare 4 scraps of differently colored fabrics.

The first color will embroider foliage. The second color will embroider the tree trunk and the branch. We made them green and brown.

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Colors 3-10 are for the applique. It is color # 3 on the color card. Choose any light-colored thread and do not change it until you finish colors 3-10.

Color 3 will embroider the shape of the bird's body and stop. Place a scrap of fabric over the shape and start the machine.

Color 4 will embroider the same shape again. Take the hoop from the machine and with a pair of sharp scissors cut away the fabric around the shape as close to the stitches as possible. Beware to not cut through the stitches.

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Color 5 embroiders the outline of the tail. Place a scrap of fabric over the outline.

Color 6 embroiders the same shape of the tail over the fabric. Cut away the excess fabric after this color.

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Color 7 embroiders the outline of the bird's head. Place a scrap of fabric over the outline.

Color 8 embroiders the same shape of the head over the fabric. Cut away the excess fabric after this color.

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Color 9 embroiders the outline of the bird's wing. Place a scrap of fabric over the outline.

Color 10 embroiders the same shape of the wing over the fabric. Cut away the excess fabric after this color.

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Color 11 will finish the edges of the applique. On the color card, it is color #4.

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Color 12, #5 on the color card, embroiders the pears.
Color 13, #6 on the color card, embroiders the number 1.
Color 14, #7 on the color cards, embroiders the bird's eyes.

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Day Two: Two Turtle Doves

There are 7 color changes in the design. Stops 3-12 are for the applique, and you do not need to change thread for these steps. 5 scraps of fabrics are used.

Colors 1 and 2 embroider foliage and branches.

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You can make the applique using the second (brown) color, or change to light-colored thread.

Color 3 embroiders the outline of the bird's chest. Place a scrap of fabric over the outline.

Color 4 embroiders the same shape of the chest over the fabric. Cut away the excess fabric after this color.

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Color 5 embroiders the outline of the bird's wing. Place a scrap of fabric over the outline.

Color 6 embroiders the same shape of the wing over the fabric. Cut away the excess fabric after this color.

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Color 7 embroiders the outline of the bird's tail. Place a scrap of fabric over the outline.

Color 8 embroiders the same shape over the fabric. Cut away the excess fabric after this color.

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Color 9 embroiders the outline of the bird's head. Place a scrap of fabric over the outline.

Color 10 embroiders the same shape over the fabric. Cut away the excess fabric after this color.

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Color 11 embroiders the outline of the flowers. Place a scrap of fabric over the outline.
Color 12 embroiders the same shape over the fabric. Cut away the excess fabric after this color.

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Color 13 will finish the applique edges of the flowers and bird. On the color card it is color #3.

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Color 14 finishes the applique edges of the wing. It's #4 on the color card.
Color 15, #5 on the color card, embroiders the eye and neck of the bird.
Color 16, #6 on the color card, embroiders the number 2.
Color 17, #7 on the color card, embroiders the flower centers.

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Day Three: Three French Hens

7 colors, 12 stops, 3 scraps of fabric are used.

Colors 1-6 are for the applique. They are not in the color card. Use a light-colored thread and do not change it during these steps.

Odd-numbered colors (1, 3, 5) embroider the outline. Place a scrap of fabric over this outline after the color is finished.

Even-numbered colors (2, 4, 6) embroider the same shape over the fabric. After each color, cut away the excess fabric close to the stitches.

Colors 1 & 2 are the body, 3 & 4 are the wing, and 5 & 6 are the crown.

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From color 7, start using the color card.
Color 7 (#1 on the chart) finishes the edges of the body.
Color 8 (#2 on the chart) finishes the edges of the wing.
Color 9 (#3 on the chart) embroiders the edges of the crown and the flowers.
Color 10 (#4 on the chart) embroiders the beak and the centers of the flowers.
Color 11 (#5 on the chart) embroiders the leaves.
Color 12 (#6 on the chart) embroiders the eye.
Color 13 (#7 on the chart) embroiders the number 3.

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Day Four: Four Calling Birds

Colors 1-6 are for the applique. Use any light-colored thread. They are not in the color card.

1-2 - bird's body
3-4 - bird's wing
5-6 - flower

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Start using the color card from color 7 to color 13 (#1 through #7 on color chart).
Color 7 (#1) - flower edges
Color 8 (#2) - edges of bird's body
Color 9 (#3) - edges of bird's wing
Color 10 (#4) - leaves
Color 11 (#5) - flower center
Color 12 (#6) - bird eye
Color 13 (#7) - the number 4

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Day Five: Five Golden Rings

There is no applique in this design. Embroider it using the color card.

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Day Six: Six Geese A-Laying

Colors 1-8 are for the applique. Use any light-colored thread. They are not in the color card.

1-2 - bird's body
3-4 - bird's wing
5-6 - bird's head
7-8 - bird's beak and foot

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For colors 9 through 15, use the color card colors # 1 through #7:
Color 9 (#1) - edges of feet and beak
Color 10 (#2) - edges of body and wing
Color 11 (#3) - the number 6
Color 12 (#4) - the bird's eye
Color 13 (#5) - leaves
Color 14 (#6) - pears
Color 15 (#7) - flowers

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Day Seven: Seven Swans A-Swimming

Colors 1-6 are for the applique. Use any light-colored thread. They are not in the color card.

1-2 body
3-4 wing
5-6 beak

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For colors 7 to 13, start to use the color card colors # 1 through #7:
Color 7 (#1) - edges of bird's body
Color 8 (#2) - edges of bird's wing
Color 9 (#3) - the water
Color 10 (#4) - the number 7
Color 11 (#5) - bird eye
Color 12 (#6) - ribbon and flowers around the bird's neck
Color 13 (#7) - leaves

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Day Eight: Eight Maids A-Milking

Colors 1-8 are for the applique. Use any light-colored thread. They are not in the color card.

1-2 - skirt
3-4 - upper part of the apron
5-6 - lower part of the apron
7-8 - kerchief

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For colors 9 to 19, use the color card colors # 1 through #10.
Color 9 (#1)
Color 10 (#2)
Color 11 (#3)
Color 12 (#4)
Color 13 (#5)
Color 14 (#6)
Color 15 (#7)
Color 16 (#8)
Color 17 (#9)
Color 18 (#10)

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Day Nine: Nine Ladies Dancing

Colors 1-6 are for the applique. Use any light-colored thread. They are not in the color card.

1-2 - skirt
3-4 - apron
5-6 - blouse

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From color 7 start to use the color card, colors # 1 through #8.

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Day Ten: Ten Lords A-Leaping

Colors 1-6 are for the applique. Use any light-colored thread. They are not in the color card.

1-2 - pants
3-4 - coat
5-6 - hat

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From color 7 start to use the color card, colors # 1 through #9.

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Day Eleven: Eleven Pipers Piping

Colors 1-4 are for the applique. Use any light-colored thread. They are not in the color card

1-2 - trumpet
3-4 - opening of the trumpet

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From color 5 start to use the color card, colors # 1 through #5.

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Day Twelve: Twelve Drummers Drumming

Colors 1-4 are for the applique. Use any light-colored thread. They are not in the color card

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From color 5 start to use the color card, colors # 1 through #7.

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Happy Embroidering!

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You can find the instructions on how to make the tree-skirt on the project page.

Back to 12 Days of Christmas Applique Set

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