We made this wall quilt in autumn colors. With a different choice of colors, it could make a fantastic baby quilt. We used the designs from the Whimsical Floral Owl Set. All designs are for the large hoop (5" x 7").
The finished size of the quilt is about 40" x 40".
 Click to enlarge
You will need :
- embroidery threads either polyester or rayon, the choice of colors is yours (we used dark brown, rust and burgundy)
- about 1/2 yard of light colored fabric for the embroidery background,
- scraps of patterned fabrics in orange and brown hues (you will need strips 2 1/2" wide and 8 1/2"-10 1/2" long),
- about 1/2 yard of dark brown fabric for the first border and binding,
- about 3/4 yard of patterned fabric for the second border,
- light-weight embroidery stabilizer,
- batting and fabric for the backing,
- rotary cutter/or pencil and scissors, quilter's ruler,
- iron.
Out of light-colored fabric, cut 9 squares measuring 8 1/2" x 8 1/2".
Out of orange scraps, cut 9 strips measuring 2 1/2" x 8 1/2".
Out of brown scraps, cut 9 strips measuring 2 1/2" x 10 1/2".
Out of dark brown fabric, cut
- 2 strips measuring 1 1/2" x 30 1/2" and
- 2 strips measuring 1 1/2" x 32 1/2".
Use the remaining fabric for the binding.
Out of pattened fabric, cut
- 2 strips measuring 4 1/2" x 32 1/2" and
- 2 strips measuring 4 1/2" x 40 1/2".
Note: seam allowance is 1/4", press each seam immediately after you make it.
The quilt consists of 9 similar blocks turned in different directions.
Sew the orange strips to the upper edge of the light-colored squares.
Sew 6 brown strips to the left edge of blocks, and sew 3 brown strips to right edge of the blocks.
The first row of the quilt consists of 3 "left edge" blocks. The first and the third blocks in the row have the orange strip up, the middle block has the orange strip on the left:
The second row consists of 1 "left edge" and 2 "right edge" blocks. First comes the "left edge" block with the orange strip on the bottom, the second block is a "right-edge" block with the orange strip on the top, and the third is another "right-edge" block with the orange strip on the right.
The third row consists of 2 "left edge" and 1 "right edge" blocks. The first is the "right-edge" block, orange strip at bottom. The next block is oriented with orange on the top. The third block is oriented with the orange on the left.
Sew all rows together.
Add the first border: first stitch the dark brown 1 1/2" x 30 1/2" strips to the left and right edges, then stitch the 1 1/2" x 32 1/2" strips to the upper and lower edges.
Add the second border: 4 1/2" x 32 1/2" strips to the left and right edges. 4 1/2" x 40 1/2" strips to the upper and lower edges.
Stabilize the squares with light-weight cut-away embroidery stabilizer and embroider the designs from the Whimsical Floral Owl Set one by one. Be sure that the embroidery machine stays in the middle of the table and the quilt lays on the table, and does not pull the carriage with its weight.
Cut away the stabilizer around the embroidery, close to the stitches. do not remove the stabilizer from under the embroidery.
Quilting and Finishing:
Now place the backing on a flat surface (table) face down. Cover with batting. Spread your working piece over it.
Pin all layers together.
We quilted in a free-motion style all over the quilt. |
Press with heavy steam. Square the quilt. Finish the raw edges with the binding. |
Have fun!
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