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Rainbow Tote with Geometric Design Embroidery
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a Quilted Rainbow Tote with Geometric Design Embroidery. The front of the bag is designed with rainbow-colored borders that surround a striking six-color geometric embroidery in the center. We'll guide you through sewing the tote, quilting the layers, and adding the machine embroidery for a bold and unique finish.

We used one of the designs from the Geometric Design Set. The designs are available in 3 sizes. We used the one with 6 colors for the small hoop (4" x 4"). However the large and mega hoop patterns will work great for this tote.

The finished size of the bag is about 12"W x 13 1/2"H x 3"D.

Finished tote bag with embroidery of 6-color geometric design on the front panel.

You will need :
  • embroidery threads, use either our colors card, or choose your own colors;
  • about 3/4 yard of dark blue cotton fabric for the outer bag;
  • about 1/2 yard of cotton fabric for the lining;
  • scraps of 5 fabrics of different colors matching the colors of the embroidery ( we used red, orange, yellow, green and bright blue);
  • light-weight cut away stabilizer;
  • low-loft polyester batting;
  • for the handles, you can either use 1" wide webbing of matching color, or sew the handles as described below.
You will also need:
  • quilter's ruler;
  • rotary cutter and/or scissors;
  • tailor's chalk pencil;
  • iron;
  • #12 universal needle, and sewing thread;
  • #16 univeral needle and extra strong thread;
  • #12-14 quilting needle and quilting threads of colors matching the fabrics;
  • sew-on snap 1/2" large.
Select threads. Stabilize a piece of dark blue fabric with light-weight cut-away stabilizer. Hoop the fabric tightly. Upload the 6-color design from the Geometric Design Set file into your machine and embroider it. You can use the file of any size.
Trim the stitch-out to 8" x 8" square, so that the design remains in the center, then remove the excess stabilizer around the embroidery.
Out of the red fabric, cut,
  • 2 strips measuring 3/4" x 8" each,
  • 2 strips measuring 3/4" x 8 1/2" each.
Out of the orange fabric, cut,
  • 2 strips measuring 3/4" x 8 1/2" each,
  • 2 strips measuring 3/4" x 9" each.
Out of the yellow fabric, cut,
  • 2 strips measuring 1" x 9" each,
  • 2 strips measuring 1" x 10" each.
Out of the green fabric, cut,
  • 2 strips measuring 1" x 10" each,
  • 2 strips measuring 1" x 11" each.
Out of the bright blue fabric, cut,
  • 2 strips measuring 1 1/4" x 11" each,
  • 2 strips measuring 1 1/4" x 12" each.
Out of the dark blue fabric, cut,
  • 2 strips measuring 2 1/2" x 12 1/2" each,
  • 2 strips measuring 2 1/2" x 16 1/2" each;
  • 2 strips measuring 3" x 28" for the handles;
  • 1 strips measuring 2 1/2" x 33" for the upper binding;
  • 1 piece measuring about 18" x 18" for the back panel.
Out of the fabric for the lining, cut
  • 2 pieces measuring 18" x 18"
  • 1-2 pieces measuring 8" x 19" (for the inner pocket/s).
Out of batting, cut
  • 2 pieces measuring 18" x 18" and
  • 2 strips measuring 1" x 28" (for the handles).
The Front Panel:
Note: seam allowance is 1/4" if otherwise recommended, press the seam immediately after you make it.
Sew the red 3/4" x 8" strips to the upper and lower edges of the square with the embroidery.
Sew the red 3/4" x 8 1/2" to the left and right edges of the square.
Six Color Tote Bag
Sew the orange strips to the red ones, 3/4" x 8 1/2" to the upper and lower edges, 3/4" x 9" to the left and right edges.
Six Color Tote Bag
Sew the yellow strips to the orange ones, 1" x 9" to the upper and lower edges, 1" x 10" to the left and right edges.
Six Color Tote Bag
Sew the green strips to the yellow ones, 1" x 10" to the upper and lower edges, 1" x 11" to the left and right edges.
Six Color Tote Bag
Sew the bright blue strips to the green ones, 1 1/4" x 11" to the upper and lower edges, 1 1/4" x 12 1/2" to the left and right edges.
Six Color Tote Bag
Sew the dark blue strips to the bright blue ones, 2 1/2" x 12 1/2" to the upper and lower edges, 2 1/2" x 16 1/2" to the left and right edges.
Six Color Tote Bag
Prepare 2 "sandwiches": place the lining/backing pieces on a flat surface (table) face down. Cover with batting. Spread working piece over one of them, spread the piece for the back panel over the other one.

Pin all layers together.

We quilted in a free-motion style all over both panels. On the front panel, start from the embroidery, and echo-quilt it, then proceedfrom the center to the outer edges. Change the threads to match the colors of the fabrics.
The front panel of the bag, quilted all over in a free-motion style.
We quilted the back panel in a free-motion style as well, using the quilting threads in colors of the front.
The back panel of the bag, quilted all over in a free-motion style
After quilting is done, trim both panels to 16" x 16" squares. Finish the side and bottom raw edges with zig-zag stitch or on a serger/overlock.
Prepare the 3" x 28" strips out of main fabric and 1" x 28 strips out of batting.
Fold the fabric strips lengthwise in half, wrong side inside, and press.
Position the batting strips inside the fabric strips close to the crease.
The batting strip is positioned over the fabric strip.

Fold the long edge of the fabric strip over the batting strip and press.
Fold the other long edge of the fabric strip inside and press.
Both long edges of the handles folded inside.
Topstitch along the long edges of the handles 1/4" from both edges.
The handles topstitched along the long edges.

Inner Pocket/s
Fold the 9" x 19" piece of lining fabric widthwise in half, face inside. Stitch the sides together, seam allowance 1/4". Trim the corners. Turn the piece right side out. Press.

Fold the lower edge of the pocket 3" up, pin, stitch the sides.
Position the pocket on the upper edge of the back panel's wrong side, equal distance from the side edges. Pin. Stitch in place, seam allowance scant 1/4".
The pocket is pinned to the wrong side of the back panel.

If you have another pocket, sew it in the same way to the back of the front panel.
Position the panels face to face, align all edges. Pin the bottom. Stitch together with seam allowance 1/2".
Open and press the seam.

Topstitch 1/4" on both sides of the seam.
Bottom stitch topstitch 1/4" on both sides of the seam.
Pin one handle to the upper edge of the front panel, equal distance from the side edges.
Pin the handle to the upper edges of the front panel.

Topstitch the handle to the panel , seam allowance 1/4".
Attach the handle to the back panel in the same way.
Topstitch the handle to the panel , seam allowance 1/4".
Fold the bag with right sides together, align all edges. Stitch the sides, seam allowance 1/2". Press the seams open.
To make box corners, separate the front and back panels at the corners. Center the seam on the side with the bottom seam.
To make box corners, separate the front and back panels at the corners. Center the seam on the side with the bottom seam.

Measure 1" along the seam from the corner.
Draw a line perpendicular to the seam across the corner and machine-stitch it several times
Measure 1" along the seam from the corner.

Cut away the corner leaving 1/2" of seam allowance. Finish the raw edge either with bias tape or zig-zag stitch, or serger/overlock.
Cut away the corner leaving 1/2" of seam allowance.

Place the 2 1/2" x 33" for the upper binding on the ironing table, face down. Fold the lower long edge 1/2" to the wrong side and press.

Fold the right short edge 1/2" to the wrong side and press.

Starting with the pressed short edge and one of the side seams of the bag, pin the strip with its unfinished edge along the upper edge of the bag.

Stitch with seam allowance 1/2".
The strip is pinned to the upper edge of the bag.

Turn the bag wrong side out. Fold the upper edge with the binding onto the wrong side. Pin the edge. Topstitch 1/4" from the edge. Press.

Sew on the snap onto the wrong side of the bag between the handles.
Turn the bag right side out.
The inside view of the bag.

Have fun!
Finished bag, front panel.
Finished bag, back panel.

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