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Best Project Contest 2013 Winners
Thank you everyone who sent in your projects! There were some stunning things to see. Thank you everyone who voted! None of this would have been possible without you.
Winners of the major prizes were selected by voting.
Besides the 3 major prizes 3 special prizes were awarded. The winners of the special prizes were chosen by our designers and our Customer Support Team.
Here are the winners:
First Prize Winner: Contest Entry #15
Christmas Clock by Sheri Terris from Shawnigan Lake, BC Canada This project was the winner with 17.5% of the votes.
Second Prize Winner: Contest Entry #1
Burlap Table Cover by Judith Hausmann from East Hartford, CT took second place. This entry got 9.5% of the votes.
Third Prize Winner: Contest Entry #36
Southwestern Jacket by Jeanette Bussard from Geneva, Illinois The entry received 7.2% of the votes.
Sophia's Choice: Contest Entry #31
Lady Autumnby Janet Ross from Youngsville, NC was the project that our designer Sophia liked best.
Venelina's Choice: Contest Entry #14
Travel Jewelry Case by Earlene Crowell from Layton, UTwas Venelina's favorite.